Two events are set to take place at AG Leventis Gallery on Wednesday September 30, happening as part of its ongoing temporary exhibition Myth Unbound: Ariadne – Andromeda. Starting off the day is a guided tour. Assistant curator Despina Christofidou will lead the morning visit in Greek, running from 12pm to 12.45pm, giving those interested on a closer look at the exhibited pieces and their theme. The tour is offered for free yet reservations are necessary to join it.

Later on, curator and museum educator Valia Matsentidou invites women to interact with selected artworks from the exhibition and share their own stories. Through an experiential workshop, the participants will correspond with each other by writing anonymous letters.

This workshop aims to collect stories and listen to the voices of modern women who live in Nicosia through a digital recording that will be presented anonymously at the end of the workshops. The two-hour workshop, starting at 5pm, will also examine how different these women’s stories are from the mythical tales of Ariadne and Andromeda.

This workshop is the third part of a series of Pen Friends workshops, which started at the AG Leventis Gallery in June 2019.

Guided Exhibition Tours

Of the Myth Unbound: Ariadne – Andromeda exhibition with assistant curator Despina Christofidou. August 30. A.G. Leventis Gallery, Nicosia. 12pm. Free. In Greek. Reservations: 22-668838.

Women Narrate: Pen Friends

Experiential letter-writing workshop with Valia Matsentidou. August 30. A.G. Leventis Gallery, Nicosia. 5pm-7pm. €10. In Greek. Reservations: 22-668838.

Cyprus Mail