Arkoursos is a tiny and almost forgotten rural village that seems to be straight out of a history book. Nestled in an elevated valley some 5km from the coastline of Kissonerga-Coral Bay the village enjoys fantastic views to the sea.

ArcursosMainly Turkish Cypriots lived here (and some still do) specializing in goat farming and the production of the most delicious Halloumi cheese. You are sure to secure your own supply if you are lucky to live here but don’t tell your friends because you’ll be expected to hold ‘thousand ways of using local halloumi’ parties.

By road it is nearly 7.5 km to the village from Coral Bay. The brand new road is wide and easy to navigate but as you steadily climb, mostly along the elevated river bank, expect few bends along the way. Scenery is grand from every side but the most spectacular must be in the early spring season when the hillsides and the valley are carpeted by wild flowers.

Only a short distance to the north, along the windy road that curls up the hills there is a plateau to the rear of a mosque. This plateau, named Laoni tou Tsakrii (Hollow of the Fight), was made famous by being the central battle ground between two rival Kings. Here King Rose-Petros, defending the village of Akoursos, defeated the aggressor, the King of Inia. However upon walking away from the slain King of Inia King Rose-Petros was shot in the back by an avenging archer of King Inia’s troop. King Rose-Petros was later buried in the Cave of Ammpa which lies to the top a cliff whereas King Inia was buried in Cave Papadimantra which now is home to herds of goats. Time, it would seem, favours the benevolent.